Fallswood of Falls Church

Must Have Phone Numbers


Police/Fire/Ambulance: 911

CrisisLink: 703-527-4077

Rape Crisis Hotline: 703-360-7273

Power Outage: 1-888-667-3000

Cable Outage: 703-378-8440

Fairfax County

Adult Protective Services: 703-324-7450

Child Protective Services: 703-324-7400

Adult Education: 703-227-2200

Alcohol and Drug Services: 703-359-7040

Animal Control: 703-691-2131

Office for Children/Child Care: 703-449-9555

Consumer Affairs/Cable Complaints: 703-222-8435

Courts: 703-691-7320

Dept. of Motor Vehicles: 1-800-435-5137

Disposal Sites I-66: 703-631-1179

Fairfax County Main Phone Number: 703-FAIRFAX (703-324-7329)

Fastran: 703-222-9764

Human Services Coordinated Services Planning: 703-222-0880

Park Authority: 703-324-8700

Police/Fire/Rescue(Non-Emergency): 703-691-2131

Recreation Classes: 703-324-5550

Recycling InfoLine: 703-324-5052

SACC (School Age Child Care): 703-449-8989

School Information: 703-246-2502

Older Adults Information/Area Agency on Aging: 703-324-5411

Tax Information: 703-222-8234

Traffic Tickets: 703-246-3764

Trash and Special Pickup (County): 703-802-3322

Virginia Department of Transportation: 703-383-VDOT

Voting Information: 703-222-0776

Fairfax Water: 703-698-5600

Office for Women: 703-324-5730

Crisis Situations/Personal Assistance

  • Basic Needs/Personal Assistance
    , TTY 703-803-7914 (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
    703-527-4077, TTY 711 (after hours)
    For residents who need help in emergency situations, such as food, clothing, furniture, and transportation to medical appointments, rent or mortgage to prevent eviction or foreclosure, security deposit to secure permanent housing, utility payments to prevent disconnection, prescriptions, eye glasses, and other special needs.
  • Community Services Board Emergency Services
    703-573-5679, TTY 703-207-7737 (24 hours, 7 days/week)
    For people in crisis with a mental health, mental retardation or alcohol or other drug emergency. Services include crisis intervention and stabilization, and evaluation for referrals to crisis care facilities, emergency shelters, and hospitals.
  • Adult Protective Services Hotline
    (24 hours), TTY 703-222-9452 (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.), TTY 711 (after hours)
    Suspected adult abuse, neglect or exploitation of older adults or adults with disabilities.
  • Child Protective Services Hotline
    (24 hours), TTY 703-222-9452 (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.), TTY 711 (after hours)
    Suspected child abuse or neglect of children. Also serves as a "helpline," providing resources and information to keep children safe.
  • Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault
    703-370-7273, TTY 711 (24 hours)
    Provides 24-hour confidential emergency assistance and telephone counseling for people experiencing domestic abuse, sexual assault or for people who are victims of stalking.
  • Family Abuse Crisis Shelter
    703-435-4940 (voice/TTY) (24 hours)
    Provides 24-hour confidential emergency assistance for victims of domestic violence who are in immediate danger and in need of safe shelter.

Emergency Events

  • Emergency Phone Numbers
    List of phone numbers that includes police non-emergency, public schools, poison control, utility hotlines and more.
  • Fairfax County Government Emergency Information Line
    703-817-7771, TTY 711 (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., 24 hours when needed)
    In the event of inclement weather or other types of local emergencies, Fairfax County provides current, accurate information about government office closures, service changes and other pertinent instructions. Call this number to speak with staff during normal business hours, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During emergency events these hours are extended as necessary. At other times, callers can choose from a menu of recorded information or leave a message that will be returned the next business day.

Government Waste, Fraud & Abuse

  • Audit Hotline
    , TTY 711
    For residents to voice suggestions and concerns about county government, including ways to increase county government efficiency and improve services, or to report any instances they perceive of alleged waste, fraud or mismanagement in county government. Reports go directly to the Board of Supervisors’ Financial and Programs Auditor for assessment and investigation and will be kept in strict confidence.